Friday, April 29

Entry #38

Discussion of animation was talked about, tackling animation this early in the year is magnificent!
Also yesterday handed in - Storyboard, Animatic, Video block.
- good feeling having them done.
But I can always change my animatic for the benefit of knowing the timing and how much has changed, etc.

Production class a scene will be picked to do a animation test.
Animating will be done in flash for the main characters and background character will be animated in after effects reason why I will be animating background characters in after effects because mainly just slight movements slight arm movements, blinks and looking around.

Here I have started expression for paris;

And have also started to finalize character design, which should be done soon
Starting animation without finalization of characters well just doesn't make sense.
I hope to have character design finalized by this coming thursday so animation for my major can begin.

Background character on the bus;
(which is a piece of hair with arms, eyes and a moustache)


Tuesday, April 26

Entry #37

Character design is in progress, model sheets in the near distance future mi hearties.
Argh it's about time I pieced together the production bible,  keep on working on the progression of this major ye call 'Pearl of wisdom', argh.
or I will walk the plank and ye be swimming with the fishes, argh.

Saturday, April 23

Entry #36

Animatic has sound...
The quotes are bad, but it's just to get the timing right... not %100 happy with the sound... it is roughly what I had in mind but not what I had in mind completely, finding music is hard, also still needing to ring up APRA-AMCOS about getting license to use production music.

Well here it is... If I get time editing another animatic with scenes shorted would be a great idea it's still really long...

Animatic, enjoy.

Friday, April 22

Entry #35

The story board has been change slightly and can be previewed in 'storyboard' tab above the posts.

The shots I added to the story board;

Sunday, April 17

Entry #34

Today pearl of wisdoms story board was printed out to decide what to edit and cut out... as you can see the story can not even fit on this large cork board.
Lots of dicing and slicing needs to be done to the story.

Cutting down scenes yet I find myself adding shots...
Story board will be changing slightly due to editing.

Saturday, April 16

Entry #33

More concept art;

This is Pearls house;

Pearl in shot (note character design finalization still needs to be done Pearl may change in the near distance future)

Entry #32

Been doing some concept art for scenes from Pearl of wisdom, this is from the opening scene, there are many more scenes that I am wanting to do concept art for to experiment with the colour, lighting and stylization of the finalized look for pearl of wisdom. 

For the colour pallet a separate layer is made so I can eye drop the specific colours chosen to be used ad hide them when digitally painting.

end result

What I would like to do is scan textures and add them to digitally painted images only slightly just to give some sort of texture.
These things I have in mind I must experiment with and decide whether or not that is the style and look that is going to be used in Pearl of wisdom, this experimentation needs to be done a.s.a.p.

Friday, April 8

Entry #31

Today Neale drew a backgorund for the pearl of wisdom, I like it, so stylized!
Over the holidays I will decide whether I want to have Neale draw backgrounds...
Thanks Neale!

Here is a image of Pearl in a scene;

Thursday, April 7

Entry #30

Character proof (just the progress not uploading for submission)

So I haven't done digital stuff before... personally I think this looks well 'bad' but no no, I shouldn't talk myself down... this is what practice is for... and reasons why I bought a wacom to improve.

Pearl the character has been draw then coloured in photoshop, today I placed him in flash and Jack showed me how to export the character ready for placement in after effects, this was very useful I really was confused about the process and wanted re insurance and a answer of how it is to be done correctly.

I have not attempted a 2D production before, some things I don't know and my things will be learned on the way, fellow class mates lend a hand time to time and I thank them for that.

These days I feel comfortable with photoshop, which is nice. As for after effects, that program everyday learning little things about it I never knew before.

And flash is a whole other story I need to familiarizes myself with the short cuts tools and generally teach myself the in's and out's of the program my knowledge is limited, I will be using CS5 flash for the animation of Pearl, Wesley and Paris, CS5 has new features like the bone tool, I must find and watch tutorials to learn learn learn!

On another note finalization of character designs needs to be done I am itching to have the final designs and be able to say "that's them there my final character, they won't be changing"...
This is great because it is time for character model sheets, this shall be fun!

I leave you know with a pearl of wisdom;
'The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra'

Entry #29

Animatic..... with out sound... unfortunately...  I could of done a crappy job on the sound now... OR wait for the sound booth tomorrow... think the waiting will be worth it.

So well I have the timing figured out... but one little error there needs to be more thinking time before Pearl drinks the lemonade.
Also the long pauses are meant to be where the dialog is, it may end up being shorter when I get the voice actors dialog in the animatic.

(got some feed back, may add some more shots and change shots, ps; my new nick name is 4 minutes)

Other things; I have started the video block, but am running out of time to edit... I would really like to hand in; Storyboard, animatic and video block by the end of the week, but that may not happen.

Saturday, April 2

Entry #28

Final have a Wacom...


ps; I like taking photo's, perhaps I should of done stop mo again this year.
But no Pearl of wisdom it is :)
Reason why I am doing 2D I honestly wanted to explore  different mediums of animation.