Tracking documentation.

Tracking documention...

How did I back up my files?
As I stated  I would;

Did I stick to doing this?

Mainly I did work from my mac as it is portable.
I did back up on my PC, although it was getting upgraded and I did not have my pc for three weeks.
I continued to back up on hard drive A and also hard drive B.
Now I can continue to back up on my PC, and I trust it way more ever since it has been upgraded.

So far technology has been working nothing crashing, no corrupted files, no fires etc.
The only thing that I did have trouble with is human error when copying I did overwriting some versions of my script, I have addressed that issue by writing down what I work on and what exactly to copy so no human error of overwriting  files.

The production bible did get a little bit of ware and tare I did try to carry it in a folio carry case although some days I just carried it in my bag, the production bible folder with all the plastic pockets mainly stayed at home due to how heavy it was to carry around everywhere sometimes this effected what I needed to look at but I also have a digital copy of everything on my hard drives so no need to physically carry around all the paper work the production.


The filing convention I had helped dramatically I am so glad I decided to file everything in certain categories, although I did change some file naming due to making life easier I have now made a separate production folder from Pre pro, now that pre pro is done, I will only be working in the Production folder which contains scenes, character animation, sound and backgrounds.
As for post that will be putting it all together compositing the characters into after effects lining them up positioning and getting the prospective right.

As for how I am going to create my production;

The animation;
I will still be using photoshop, after effects, final cut pro and I have decided on toon boom.

I was going to use flash but I don't think it would of done my animation any justice. I had issues with not being able to achieve the look and style I was going for.
So Toon boom is the option, it easy, digitally hand draw into the program with a wacom and easy peasy to colour my characters.

I have changed my work flow of how I will be going about animating, I will now be planning and pencil testing on paper, then once I have got the movement correct then more of a 'clean up' process will be done in toon boom, I really like the fact you can create your own colour pallets, and how toon boom is perfect for what I am wanting to achieve I was wanting flat pale colours and I can achieve this in toon boom. It's very exciting when you know things are going to work!

The backgrounds will be drawn on A4 paper by Neale Balnden, I am currently drawing examples of layout/backgrounds for him to have a rough idea of what I wanting.
I am asking for them to be inked for scanning and the cross hatching done on tracing paper so they are separate.
Reasons why?
So they can be scanned separately and layer in photoshop, it also will make the digitally painting of the backgrounds easier and I can layer the cross hatching over the top of the digitally coloured background.

After effects will still be used to composite the animated characters onto the backgrounds.
I can also correct the animation if needed also colour grade and add effects.

The sound;
I will be using a mixture of soundtrack pro and final cut pro for the sound after the render footage is complete sound in after effects isn't the most efficient way to work this is why.

I feel good about starting to create the Pearl of wisdom, I have confidence and am ready to be endlessly animating.