Sunday, July 31

Entry #62

Light box to the rescue!

Ed has loaned me his light box *big smile* thanks Ed legend!

Animating at home is more well comfortable, you can eat when you like, cuppa tea breaks when you like and when you're falling asleep switch to coffee and also you can do your stretches to save your back when you like and another bonus leave your work area the way it is for weeks on end and not have to pack it up.


Saturday, July 30

Entry #61

Ground breaking news.... Got some BACKGROUNDS happening, thanking Neale Blanden for the wonderful images you see down below

Aren't they just great!

Now to digitally paint them... Brilliant!

cross hatching on separate page this is so it can be a separate layer in photoshop which will make digitally painting them easier.

Wednesday, July 27

Entry #60


Putting background characters in running comp.
Needing to draw background characters on side view, and replacement eyes/eyelids/mouths needing to be drawn then pin all the characters with the puppet tool making sure they move correctly...

If they don't function properly I will modify them until they do.

Tuesday, July 26

Entry #59

Milestones for week five:

Animatic locked off - running comp
Backgrounds - elemnets needing to be added to make it more dimentional
Catolog of muic - clearly tell story
                         - sample of voices
25% Keys completed
Background static characters placed in running comp

To do first
New shots and mucic is to be added into the running comp
Find out how the backgrounds are going
Finalize the music that is to be used time name tracks and see what is used contact apra and find out how much $$$$$ it will cost (but finding out the cost can be done later but sooner I finalize music and lock it in and am clarified what is going to be used the clearer my mind will be to concerntrate on other things the most important thing the animation.

Alot of work to be done hope I can be the person at the top of the stairs.

Tuesday, July 19

Entry #58

Using a glass table as a light box... win!

Sunday, July 17

Saturday, July 16

Entry #54

So made the little lemon aide girl and done a mock up of the scene background... I drew the background for concept art and well it has become useful....
Still needing props like a single glass and animated lemon aide (being poured) into the glass.

At the moment I would like to work on the opening scene but I have a file missing the bee... I have done another mock up background of that scene...
Plus am still needing to draw the flowers... and animate the titles

Entry #53

Another character being draw in photoshop...

Wednesday, July 13

Entry #52

Needs more work but it's the another character in the works, need to fix up the arms the animation perhaps the hat... anything I see
that can be improved upon...

Friday, July 1

Entry #51

Drawing of the background characters has been taking place, yeah I have too many characters... but I think at the end of the day it will be worth it. If I didn't have these characters it would be like if star wars didn't have chewbacca, ridiculous!

Anyways this is what I have been up to;

On another note purchasing a wacom has been a win, I truly enjoy drawing with it.