Monday, October 31

Entry #118

Lip sync

Jack has made mouths in Maya for lip sync, Brilliant this is the answer to my problem!
Thank you Jack!

I have changed all wav files to 16bit because Maya does not like 32bit. Good thing about this I can listen to the wav file, in toon boom I could not play in the timeline you clicked and a separate window would pop up... and what use is that, so changing the mouths and syncing to the line that was said was non existence although there is a automatic lip sync but it doesn't do a great job, 'looks out of sync'.

Now to get all my shots ready and animate them without mouths!? Except when they are silent they will have a little toon boom mouth.
This is going to take quite some time to finish off the shots ready for lip sync.

One thing I know that I am daunting Maya 2012 interface I hope I know where everything is, I have not touched Maya in quite some time.

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