Sunday, February 27

Entry #6

Programs lovely programs, these are going to help me create Pearl of wisdom :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nikita,

    My first comment is about the consistency of character. Pearl is a wise character whose wisdom isn't always welcome.
    1) I think the first scene with Pearl in the bathroom isn't necessary.
    2) Generally the story would work better if every one of Pearl's interactions with the world is accompanied with a pearl of wisdom including even the bee.
    - He meets the bee and says "What is not good for the swarm is not good for the bee" - and then plucks the flower away from it.

    There has to be a reason as to why Paris is left waiting for such a long time as it doesn't really follow that she would be waiting for such a long time.

    One reason that popped into my head was that perhaps the Pearl had met his match on the bus, ie. someone who was actually able to counter all of his aphorisms to the point where he actually forgets about Paris and stays on the bus all day. Thus why Paris eventually dumps him.
