Monday, May 23

Entry #46

New set up;

I purchased a DVI cable for my macbook so I will have a bigger screen to work with, most my animating will take place here.

I must say I am looking forward to animating thanks to now having 'toon boom' and all issues and fears etc clarified for the process of making images move I will animate until my hand falls off.

I have also started a folder with references and anything to help out with the animation procress;

Thursday, May 19

Entry #45

Pecil test, thanks to Jack whom gets you motivated about animating... now to incoperate this into digital.

Thursday, May 12

Entry #44


Animation on Pearl of wisdom is not going well.
Programs and getting my head around how to go about animating in the Programs so many different ways...
Deciding on one is the trouble.
All I hope for is a simple technique and easy because time is of the essence and I do need a quick method to meet my goal of finishing the pearl of wisdom.

I need help, someone help, I have lack of 2D knowledge.

As I have said before wish I did stop motion because I have been there done that know what I am doing, I would be on easy street.
Deciding to do 2D has just made things a whole lot more complicated.
Things are due time is limited, not knowing things is time consuming.

I will try to resolve this problem.

Sunday, May 8

Entry #43

Model sheet;  (more in progress)
So this is the begining of the model sheets, I will be adding the 'pearl of wisdom' title and the characters name on the model sheets.

Wesley the wisdom tooth, (yes I know the side angle is incorrect, will correct)

On another note I have been using the model sheets for practicality I will be using the separated layers in photo shop for reference of the characters when animating.
I have also been shown flash tools, and feel a bit more at ease.

Although there is the option of toonboom. The options are out there and I am not wanting to start animating in a program then to realize down the track another caters more so for the animation style I am trying and going to achieve.

But wait I am unsure if toonboom is avaible at school, I may be able to get the program, but how will I be able to work at school and home?
Time is of the essence and it is a absouloute delight being able to work in school hours then bring your work you have been doing on your production and work then continue to work on it at home.

Wishing I had done the same medium as last year so I would know where I was heading in terms of the animation side of things, but not to worry this will be resolved.
And I will be sure to go into depth on the resolution of this dilemma.

Friday, May 6

Entry #42

Animation for the production POW!

So I am just going to be blunt here;

I am not sure how I am going to animate, 'thought' I knew.
But sitting down trying to create Paris in flash then animate the character to my discovery it wasn't happening.

Just throwing this out there;
Last year I did stop motion animation and I am familiar with the process, this year it's 2D yes I picked 2D why didn't I do what I did last year because I wanted to try out a different medium, yeah not the smartest move.
I really need help with 2D, it's new to me.
I should of taken the easier option of doing stop motion but again wanting to try new medium here plus Pearl of wisdom I see it as  2D.

My knowledge on flash needs to improve.
Hello tutorials my old friend.
I feel as if 'I am meant to know everything already'... yes which I probably should.
And also that I am at a disadvantage with time with not being fluid with the program just yet.
But that's it isn't it right now what is happening is a learning process, and once I get over the hurdle of learning and discovering how I am going to animate in flash I will be back on track with the production.

Okay so how will I animate?
I need to think, will go through trial and error, you name it...

Thinking digitally drawing with a wacom in Photoshop, separate elements body, arms, legs, eyes, eye browls and mouth on sperate layers which I have started to do.
Then importing that photoshop file into flash and making the separate elements into symbols from there using the bone tool, rig the character with that and test the movement.
 I need to do a test I am not sure if this will work and if this style 'puppet' looking animation is quite what I am going for.

When I do a test will let you know how it goes and upload it up in a post.

Wednesday, May 4

Entry #41

Character designs....

I have been painting... final I am using the new paint brushes I purchased months ago.
Yet again I have too many characters... for oneself to animate.
They don't all have major complex movement which eases the amount of animation.

The only thing I am slightly concerned is the process of animating in flash I feel I am not fluid with the program, and this will make the process of animating more time consuming, instead thinking; 'I know how to do this and dive right in' I will be thinking; 'now how do I go about doing this, help I would like some help'.
But no I am going to watch tutorials and better yet use flash constantly until I get the hang of it.
I am gradually getting use to a wacom but also feel I need to do more to get better.

As Pearl would say; Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.

Character design;

(still needs to be painted)

original concept
Originally I was going to have a world full of characters that where Pearls but then decided to have diverse of characters, the ones above.

Tuesday, May 3

Entry #40

Layout and Backgrounds.

I have decide that Neale is the right candidate for the backgrounds, he will be helping out with the production.
So Neale knows what I am aiming for visually I have made up a template for layout, I will be drawing roughs of the layout, then the backgrounds can be produced in his own style.
I have asked for them to be drawn as scan-able images with clean line work.
Then the cross hatching to be done on tracing paper.
This is so I can scan layer in photoshop with still keeping the style but cleaner and easier to be able to digitally paint the backgrounds.

Here is a template for layout that was created...

I have also drawn with a wacom Pearl.. trying to get him right, I am undecided on his legs and arms weather they should be chunky or straw like, Originally Pearl had dainty arms and legs and I must say I quite like that I just wonder if he will work as a animated character.
Drawing both in flash and doing test animations, would be a resolution to solving which design to go with, I like both but which one will work at the end of the day?
I will have to draw, test and see.

When Pearl was first drawn, (Original Pearl).
straw like legs and arms
chunky legs and arms
A design shall be finalized soon.