Thursday, May 12

Entry #44


Animation on Pearl of wisdom is not going well.
Programs and getting my head around how to go about animating in the Programs so many different ways...
Deciding on one is the trouble.
All I hope for is a simple technique and easy because time is of the essence and I do need a quick method to meet my goal of finishing the pearl of wisdom.

I need help, someone help, I have lack of 2D knowledge.

As I have said before wish I did stop motion because I have been there done that know what I am doing, I would be on easy street.
Deciding to do 2D has just made things a whole lot more complicated.
Things are due time is limited, not knowing things is time consuming.

I will try to resolve this problem.


  1. hey Nikita if you need help give us a yell, I'll be more than happy to help you out if you need it.

    It's all in asking the right question ;).

    see you in class.

  2. Thanks Ed,

    It sure is, we all need to band together.

    See you in class indeed :)
