Animation for the production POW!
So I am just going to be blunt here;
I am not sure how I am going to animate, 'thought' I knew.
But sitting down trying to create Paris in flash then animate the character to my discovery it wasn't happening.
Just throwing this out there;
Last year I did stop motion animation and I am familiar with the process, this year it's 2D yes I picked 2D why didn't I do what I did last year because I wanted to try out a different medium, yeah not the smartest move.
I really need help with 2D, it's new to me.
I should of taken the easier option of doing stop motion but again wanting to try new medium here plus Pearl of wisdom I see it as 2D.
My knowledge on flash needs to improve.
Hello tutorials my old friend.
I feel as if 'I am meant to know everything already'... yes which I probably should.
And also that I am at a disadvantage with time with not being fluid with the program just yet.
But that's it isn't it right now what is happening is a learning process, and once I get over the hurdle of learning and discovering how I am going to animate in flash I will be back on track with the production.
Okay so how will I animate?
I need to think, will go through trial and error, you name it...
Thinking digitally drawing with a wacom in Photoshop, separate elements body, arms, legs, eyes, eye browls and mouth on sperate layers which I have started to do.
So I am just going to be blunt here;
I am not sure how I am going to animate, 'thought' I knew.
But sitting down trying to create Paris in flash then animate the character to my discovery it wasn't happening.
Just throwing this out there;
Last year I did stop motion animation and I am familiar with the process, this year it's 2D yes I picked 2D why didn't I do what I did last year because I wanted to try out a different medium, yeah not the smartest move.
I really need help with 2D, it's new to me.
I should of taken the easier option of doing stop motion but again wanting to try new medium here plus Pearl of wisdom I see it as 2D.
My knowledge on flash needs to improve.
Hello tutorials my old friend.
I feel as if 'I am meant to know everything already'... yes which I probably should.
And also that I am at a disadvantage with time with not being fluid with the program just yet.
But that's it isn't it right now what is happening is a learning process, and once I get over the hurdle of learning and discovering how I am going to animate in flash I will be back on track with the production.
Okay so how will I animate?
I need to think, will go through trial and error, you name it...
Thinking digitally drawing with a wacom in Photoshop, separate elements body, arms, legs, eyes, eye browls and mouth on sperate layers which I have started to do.
Then importing that photoshop file into flash and making the separate elements into symbols from there using the bone tool, rig the character with that and test the movement.
I need to do a test I am not sure if this will work and if this style 'puppet' looking animation is quite what I am going for.
When I do a test will let you know how it goes and upload it up in a post.
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