I would upload the playblast of the lip sync, but it is not working reallllly slow internet at the moment... my apologies.
Other than that finalizing shots is on it's way, fantastic.
PS; press kit fail... due to it having to be ready in a week, by time I order the tote bag it may not get here on time you see I am in a pickle... all my post gets sent to my old address and that put my plan right down the crapper.
I shall have to present it in something else, thoughts are a giant brown paper bag with the film logo.
Other than that all that has to be done is, 2 digital still prints... uh I will self print, pick up printed goods, 10xdvd included booklet with bio, cv, cast crew etc, (will only be handing in one dvd and my film burnt to the disc, playable in computer and on the telly 'dvd player') 2xposter and 8xpostcards.
And burn my showreel again?... or re hand in the one I handed in earlier?
Really would like to avoid burning another copy considering I got them professionally printed, need to save these pups for the future!
So here here to getting things done. sorta kinda, if things don't go to plan always have a backup plan!
Which will be the brown paper bag! - all sorted.
Poster designs...

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