I Have animated the 'quote off' without mouths, ready for the lip sync to be comped in.
Paris also needs lip sync which won't be too difficult she has one line! not 8 or 5!
Completion of scene 07-10 is on it's way, these scenes have minimal animation, and I must say 07_sc has been my favorite to animate.
So now compositing the animation in to the scenes and rendering like a mad man wait a mad woman is on the cards!
Feeling a little bit like this being so close to the end (Pearl in scene 7)

PS; Press kit is all printed and ready to be picked up tomorrow, I will be collecting it before class, 11;30-5;30, what a day, can't get it after so must go pick up before.
So excited to see DVD case, cover, booklet and posters and post cards! Hoozah!
Oh yeah and when I get a moment I must print logo and glue on brown paper bag and print dialogue list off oh and the 2 digital still & a secret surprise which if you follow my blog you should know what it is (I keep repeating what I have to do for the press kit) but once it is done full concentrate on the final touches of POW!
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