Whats going on in the world of Pearl? Well the final complete backgrounds are being comped into After Effects... still, yes this has taken longer than expected due to finding little things that need adjusting whilst they where being comped.
I had to fix them up in Photoshop then re import them, all the background are now permanent!
Like a tattoo or something! Yeah a tattoo!
They must be %100 perfection! Finished and finalized in the comp!

I have began to animated the first scene and titles...
AND still needing to go to the editing/sound suite to source that bee buzzing sfx! OR I could be creative and DIY with a zoom... I'll see what I can find in the sound booth shall I?
I must continue to work and follow through with what I say I am going to do.
To do lists are a must! or my little journal of whats getting done and needs to get done. and notes on programs etc...
(Journal of what needs to be done, notes etc)
I try to write in it as much as I can but some days I don't...
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