Tuesday, September 6

Entry #88

So here is a test from the first scene... establishment shot needing to be longer perhaps a 3sec shot of the house and birds chirping then followed by a fade in with the music.

Needing to slow down the fly in just a tad and add in more shake to the camera (it's meant to be a bee flying towards the flower) Bee SFX also need to be included layed over the top of the 'theme song'

The flower looks bad must fix also including the titles, I wanted shakey 'Pearl of wisdom' but this just looks well bad :( I would love to re do it.
ps; music isn't synced proper, coz well you see I dislike syncing sound in after effects, it be well crap. (personal preference)

Just David and Margret-ed (the movie show) my own work, pointing out all this is great.
Wish I could get it right the first time but that's just madness, live and learn!

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