Tuesday, September 6

Entry #87

The title...

Today for the second time since I got my DVI cable it is working the way it should with the right aspect ratio. I usually shrug and let it be when doesn't work because I think 'hey better than worrking off a 13" screen' I connect it to my PC monitor so I can work off a bigger screen (21.5') and still have a 19" to work from my PC multitasking, it's grand.

If it works like this from now on it will make working among after effects and toon boom that little bit better. it's nice to have bigger screens to work from especially with time-lines that have up to 30 elements or more. (03_sc is crazy like that, colour coding and the bigger work area will help heaps)

Opening titles; One concern with the zoom into the flower is a bit pixelated, I had it set on 300dpi and well you get that, had trouble with the camera in after effects aswell and parenting and adding a wiggle, don't get me started, but with trying to do things you learn.
For my first 2D production, hey I'm doing alright, going to give myself a pat on the back.

So right now with pearl working on 01_sc and 03_sc AND  02_sc have been worked on.
02_sc animated the bus and the bus doors.
04_sc - 010_sc are next... but really what I need to be doing is pencil tests for the main characters;
Pearl, Wesley and Paris (wait Paris is done, except her mouth and behind shot)
Have began Pearl exiting door in 01_sc.
Still so much to be done.

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