Wednesday, August 31

Entry #83

Mouths for Pearl.... lip sync oh how I can't wait!

Quick little lip sync test needing to make more vowels, it's not synced right.
By having lip sync in my production, hopefully I will learn a thing or two and become better at the art of lip syn. That's the goal, plan, outcome, challenge whatever you want to call it...

ps - sound bite is from 'the tick'

So having looked online for more resources on how to master lip sync I found a program that helps out a bundle!
Great 1am find!

Tuesday, August 30

Entry #82

Running comp, done!
Thank you Jack for clarifying all my after effects woes, legend!

The image below is final background with the running comp in the corner... some shots have changed, but with the running comp direction will take place it's like a little map! (that background is missing the clouds)

Next step is to make sure my backgrounds are %100 finished!
I noticed little tweaks still needing to be done like when I comped 06_sc I had not blacked out the door little things like that, now to go over them with a fine tooth comb!
After this is done animating will be none stop!
Music is on it's way having done that first semester... although I need to find out about licensing exactly how much it will cost $$$$$ hope the rates are not per a song I got five tracks wanting to be used! (right now it's now a massive concern to call because I still would like clarification of the music that I would like to use is well right for the piece opinions I need every ones 2c on what they get from it think etc...) I do have time to search high and low for the right sound for Pearl of wisdom if the music I have already selected fails to enhance the narrative and visuals.

So now getting all the comps done and organizing them, naming conventions, the only thing that is a irritation is collecting all the files... often footage is lost then you have to link it up again... not a huge hassle but still, that's that.

I hope to be animating from now on, the art of capturing movement.

Sunday, August 28

Entry #81

Toon boom didn't crash today bloody ripper!

So what did I do today I was working on my comps realizing I need to still tweak some backgrounds in photoshop.

Clean up on one scene that some animation has been begun on, scene 6 with Paris, I did clean her up today but booooy does it look shoddy need to tweak in after effects.
When I went to put her in the scene I relized I didn't black out the door behind her so when she opens it.

And animated 'stop stop' in 03_sc

Next running comp and animation on the opening 01_sc

PS; yeah flv video's are not working... may have to upload on vimeo then link...

Saturday, August 27

Entry #80

Running comp slowly gradually getting there... Okay so I place every image separate for my animatic now I need to section off into separate comps for each scene this may sound real dumb but I do not know the short cut at the moment, to highlight the images that are for say scene3 and make into a separate comp, but I do know how to do it but massive brain malfunction melt down.

So because that isn't going so well I am not going to sit here pondering I will move on to something else that needs doing... Have been doing some props!

So I have new newspaper for Mullet;

And also the heart in 06_sc (poor Pearl)... might do some BLOOD that can be animated coming out of it but I think that should be done in toon boom not after effects!?

Ah what to do now... some clean up... Paris has been animated in the 06_sc (which contains the heart) haha but not all of her...
Even though I hit a speed bump with the comp I do have other tasks to do.

Thanks toon boom! (that was sarcasm!)

So when technology kicks your ass, what's next?

Toon boom studio 4.5 is on my mac, although I have toon boom animate on my PC...

BUT this is where the issue lays;
I want to work off my mac it is portable so I can set up my work station anywhere... But if it keeps crashing then what!?
I will have to use toon boom animate pro on my PC but that is not portable I will have to spend every other second at home!
But I need to be able to work at school because that is where you spend most your time and get work done.
What am I going to do?

Why is it that the preferred programs I use are not available at school? It makes it difficult to get your major done, I B.Y.O computer to school because of this.

I hope this issue does not continue in the future, other wise there will be set backs.

Thursday, August 25

Entry #79

DVD cover changed slightly... Still would like to refine it later make it more 'proper' and 'professional' see if it is ever so necessary with a lot to still do it is wise to focus on what needs to be done not 'what can be done'.

Speaking of things that need to get done!

- Running comp
- Backgrounds all comped ready to rock and roll with... running comp placed in corner.
- 01_sc_sh1 bee animate +title
- Keys for 01_sc_sh2
- 06_sc Paris animtion clean up
- Voices for Pearl and Wesley! - this is all I have to do sound wise! except one more sfx to hunt down (or do myself) a bee buzzing!
- Ring APRA|AMCOS again and ask a bundle of questions about using production music, again.

other than that I also know a showreel of my work is soon to be done in the near distance future and the press kit for Pearl of wisdom.

So okay I am a little excited about the press kit because this is a gold mine for brain storming and getting all the gears on your right side of your brain working oh and a few on the left (logical side)
So ideas for press kit, one thing to know we can be creative as we like! Super!
I like to sow I was thinking of making a plush toy out of felt!
So a theme for POW I need to question what is that and what image symbol what is the 'theme' of POW?
Lemons? buses? flowers? Proverbs? Clams? A giant Pearl?
I will be thinking of something to present the press kit in over the next month or two. Anyone feel free to talk my ears off about opinions, creative criticism what ever you call it about my production I appreciate feedback.
When you are the only one working on your short, you seem to miss mistakes and whatnot, or so concerned about one aspect of your short you skim over the other aspects and they suffer.

But right now more concerned about animating!
Surely enough I will have something to report on in the next few days.

Sunday, August 21

Entry #78

Ah my have I been busy doing everything but working on Pearl of wisdom,
Any who here is a screen shot from the 02_sc the bus doors being animated.
I will be composting all backgrounds into after effects and hopefully I will have them done within a few days or even sooner.

Friday, August 19

Entry #77

Props and preparing the scenes

All is well in the world of pearl, as you can see from down below the bus is done.
Thinking about other objects to be animated sometimes drawing them in photoshop then animating in after effects is good, because it's simple and saves time!

Although there are some props/objects I do not want this done in photoshop, I got thinking about Pearl when he has his bottle, that parented to his hand in after effects, may look a bit tacky I think I will be animating that in toon boom.
As for the close ups of Pearl they will be enhanced gross out pictures of him.
The heart in 06_sc will be done in after effects considering it only drops although if I do it hand drawn I may be able to get some squash and stretch happening as it falls, sometimes after effects animating in it, well it has some sort of stiffness to it, I'm sure people have made beautiful animations using that program but I just don't know the in's and out's of animating in it, if you knew I'm sure that stiffness I talked would be absent and the animation more flowing.

Anyways there is work to be done.
Like composite all my backgrounds in after effects and colour grading some scenes from day to night.
But before I go doing that I do want all the props done.
I have noticed when I comped the first scene I noticed a hell of a lot of filthy pixels (when magic want tool hasn't deleted pixels for example) I had to fix that up, thinking you have finished then realizing this is never ending hopefully one day I do things perfect from the start, but that's it isn't it to get things right you keep at it, and keep at it I will.

PS- animated bus in 02_sc

As Pearl would say;
          'The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!'

Thursday, August 18

Entry #76

new DVD cover.
This it it, may change in the future...

Wednesday, August 17

Entry #75

Props and finalize of backgrounds!

That is the next step...

AND the new background in the int. of the bus!

The bus... getting there, happy with the colours but the fences are cream yellow this may be a problem and the 'shape' of the bus the front of the bus just isn't right.

Bus with doors and fixed up the front... colours are off putting on doors.
exhaust pipe would add character also.

Much better exhaust pipe, changed colour of the doors and removed the stripes.
So I am going for this, for the look of the bus.

Bus with that's life banner (oh and doors separated for tweaking in AE)

Tuesday, August 16

Entry #74

Today I will composite the backgrounds into after effects making sure they are A okay, as in everything works.

I will also work on new background shot (int. of bus) the stop button (close up in 03_sc) and props like the bus, lemonaid + including the background characters they will be getting comped into the scenes.

This should keep me well occupied today...

What I ended up really doing;

Tweaking backgrounds, fixing them up.
Then the comping into after effects can go ahead although I make still test the night shots and play around with colour grading. That won't hurt because if i tweak it I can just import the new image and delete the old.

As for the drawing the new background and close up of the the stop button that may have to wait until wednesday.

Okay so here are the backgrounds that where tweaked;
Jack showed me the liqidfy tool... wow why have I never used it? Really helped to 'tweak' them quickly and efficently...

First background... oh gosh it wasn't 'looking right' it needed to be warm and inviting which the blues something about it doesn't seem right along with the bricks I ended up getting rid of the bricks as seen in the 3rd image.
 Colours too bright just reminds me of mickey d's!
 This is much better the footpath was also widened and changed to a soothing colour the house colour is appealing and warm and friendly of heck I've live in that cartoon house.

Seats without legs

 Seats with legs + I seperated the pole

 No legs

With legs 


After, changes the lines on the road and prospective of the foot path 

The gutter and grass it curved 

Here straightened up the prospective


Needs fixing I will seperate layers and tweak massively

OH MY need to fix, 01_sc missing a curtain need to fix it!


Monday, August 15

Entry #73

DVD covers....

I have put together 2 designs for the DVD.
This will be a part of my press kit, I have already done a poster I did that first semester when I didn't even have the design finalized anyways, once it is finalized I will be replacing the poster with a recent one.

Sunday, August 14

Entry #72


Almost the last background...
Realizing I changed my animatic slighty I have a new shot, it is a different perspective of the interior of the bus, so technically I have one more backgrounds left.
But wait there's more!
Close up of the stop button on the bus still needs to be done, no drama's.

Good feeling once backgrounds are done, now I do need to focus on props and putting the backgrounds into after effects and making sure all the composting I need to do works!
Otherwise I will have to make changes and the sooner I realize the mistakes the better.
Even though I planned everything, not everything goes to plan, I am prepared if things don't go to plan.

PS; all done Jack, that hand shake was not broken, ha!

Saturday, August 13

Entry #71


here is have 06_sc_bg  another night scene which I will be colour grading, in photoshop I have drawn a beam of light from the window, I can change the opacity in after effects and bam there I have beautiful light I also have made a layer just all yellow for the close ups on Pearls face he will have some sort of lighting over his face.
Also door has been separated so it can be adjusted in AE.




One more scene... but what I have noticed it I still need props for some of them after all backgrounds are done I shall get straight onto that.

Entry #70


05_sc, this is a night scene, although it is bright now I will be colour grading in after effects.
The holes are stars and will also be done in after effects.

Friday, August 12

Entry # 69


Finally done, you see I had to do a little clean up every pixel counts, when that puppy is on the screen oh my how you will be able to see every pixel I must make sure I go over the backgrounds with a fine comb to avoid bad pixels showing up!

Here is a example of the the pixels that needed cleaning up...



no time to dilly-dally, more to be done...

Entry #68

Technical issues, having trouble with my mac it is full and I am backing up and taking off everything I no longer need to have on my mac.
Production only, from now on.

Wednesday, August 10

Entry #67

Another background;


Reason why there are two int. of the bus... pan shot.
In 03_sc it turns into night yet to figure out how to go about that...
I was thinking of cutting out the windows in photoshop, and having a sperate layer of colour (the colour you see out the window) and then changeing the colour in after efffects when the transistion of day to night come into play.

right now working on 04_sc which also is a night scene but am going to colour normal (day time) and then colour grade in after effects.

Things are getting there, on the express train to gettting things happening!

Tuesday, August 9

Entry #66

Background challenge one a day!

TEN backgrounds to be completed at the end of the 16th of August!

One is complete another on it's way...


Bonus I have even imported the background into after effects ready to rock and roll, animation awaits.
Also have included props, (the flower)
Door separated for tweaking in after effects.





needing to draw the bus, this can wait until background challenge is complete.
I will take note of all props/extra objects needing to be draw during the process of completing the backgrounds.

Scene 3 tomorrow (the most complicated)
NOTE- Need more nibs for wacom pen.

Monday, August 8

Entry #65

A little doohickey I made to help me animate...

Now tomorrow to put together a sound library and colour some more backgrounds!

Today I coloured scene 2 considering I already had a colour pallet it didn't take long at all...

While colouring not all the gaps where closed and this happened (image down below), point is I paused and looked and thought to myself this reminds me of something... (yes old cartoons with limited colour pallet like Gerald McBoing Boing) But most recently one seen at miaf a 'Rooty Toot Toot' (1951)
I could of gone with a limited colour pallet and I don't see why that isn't still a option but I committed to colouring with my creative eye using my very own made up yet pastel colour pallet.

To watch Rooty Toot Toot click on the link;