Running comp, done!
Thank you Jack for clarifying all my after effects woes, legend!
The image below is final background with the running comp in the corner... some shots have changed, but with the running comp direction will take place it's like a little map! (that background is missing the clouds)
Next step is to make sure my backgrounds are %100 finished!
I noticed little tweaks still needing to be done like when I comped 06_sc I had not blacked out the door little things like that, now to go over them with a fine tooth comb!
After this is done animating will be none stop!
Music is on it's way having done that first semester... although I need to find out about licensing exactly how much it will cost $$$$$ hope the rates are not per a song I got five tracks wanting to be used! (right now it's now a massive concern to call because I still would like clarification of the music that I would like to use is well right for the piece opinions I need every ones 2c on what they get from it think etc...) I do have time to search high and low for the right sound for Pearl of wisdom if the music I have already selected fails to enhance the narrative and visuals.
So now getting all the comps done and organizing them, naming conventions, the only thing that is a irritation is collecting all the files... often footage is lost then you have to link it up again... not a huge hassle but still, that's that.
I hope to be animating from now on, the art of capturing movement.
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