Other things to do with the production Pearl of wisdom;
Backgrounds are amazing and am every so giddy about getting them completed.
Sound I am needing to edited animatic (running comp) and really finalized what sound and sfx are to be used, create a sound library.
Then ring up APRA|AMCOS again and ask how much it will cost to get license to use the music for the production. Fingers crossed it won't be too much, I am really wanting to do everything proper, if I can't afford the music I plan to use I will need a plan B... and that will be settle for music I did no attend on using which would be rubbish.
The animation, is slowly getting there thanks to Ed lending me his light box love working at home. So doing key frames then in-betweens later. I must say not having done a bundle of 2D I am quite average and naive about it all but I hope to learn a lot from creating this production, to improve and be able to say at the end of the day 'Yeah that ain't too shabby, I am pleased with what I have done'.
Lip sync is a concern I need to get mouths happening and well putting some sort of lip sync together.
Plus the 'quote off scene' (scene 3) needing poses to be extremely strong or else it will let it down immensely.
Voice actors;.........
Going to be brief here.
So trying to get everything rolling including dialog, tough.
It's tough because I have failed at getting voice actors.
Lachlan came in and read the lines I liked it but it wasn't quite what I was going for.
Jack has agreed to give Pearl a try.
And Matt R has given me a card for a agent whom has voice actor whom I am still yet to call because for some reason I am dying for voice actors but am not doing everything to go about getting them.
Seamus is great at voices yet to ask him if he would like to give Wesley a go.
I have options I just have to get them happening.
I am somewhat am scared mhh wrong word but let down by the lack of responses trying to get voice actors it's just something I wanted to put off because it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be and I don't consider myself to be a director... just yet.
It will work out I hope.
Later down the track...
Clean up...
after pencil tests are to liking cleaning them up in toon boom will take place, so much work which I can't wait to do. If I am not fluent in drawing by time all if this is done ha that would be funny.
Composting scenes with animation in after effects this will be the most exciting of all seeing it near completion... What I will be doing is each comp will be one scene, render it scene by scene and then put it together using Final cut or premiere pro either is fine, it does come down to how busy the Mac lab will be as near the end of the year it is hard to edit with it being so busy I have premiere pro but not final cut...yet.
As for sound soundtrack pro or premiere pro or final cut.
Soundtrack pro would be great to use if only I had been introduced to it sooner I am unaware on the ins and outs of the program and that will cause a delay in time... time which I may not have so if time runs out I will stick to what I know.
Animation, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
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