Speaking of things that need to get done!
- Running comp
- Backgrounds all comped ready to rock and roll with... running comp placed in corner.
- 01_sc_sh1 bee animate +title
- Keys for 01_sc_sh2
- 06_sc Paris animtion clean up
- Voices for Pearl and Wesley! - this is all I have to do sound wise! except one more sfx to hunt down (or do myself) a bee buzzing!
- Ring APRA|AMCOS again and ask a bundle of questions about using production music, again.
other than that I also know a showreel of my work is soon to be done in the near distance future and the press kit for Pearl of wisdom.
So okay I am a little excited about the press kit because this is a gold mine for brain storming and getting all the gears on your right side of your brain working oh and a few on the left (logical side)
So ideas for press kit, one thing to know we can be creative as we like! Super!
I like to sow I was thinking of making a plush toy out of felt!
So a theme for POW I need to question what is that and what image symbol what is the 'theme' of POW?
Lemons? buses? flowers? Proverbs? Clams? A giant Pearl?
I will be thinking of something to present the press kit in over the next month or two. Anyone feel free to talk my ears off about opinions, creative criticism what ever you call it about my production I appreciate feedback.
When you are the only one working on your short, you seem to miss mistakes and whatnot, or so concerned about one aspect of your short you skim over the other aspects and they suffer.
But right now more concerned about animating!
Surely enough I will have something to report on in the next few days.
- Running comp
- Backgrounds all comped ready to rock and roll with... running comp placed in corner.
- 01_sc_sh1 bee animate +title
- Keys for 01_sc_sh2
- 06_sc Paris animtion clean up
- Voices for Pearl and Wesley! - this is all I have to do sound wise! except one more sfx to hunt down (or do myself) a bee buzzing!
- Ring APRA|AMCOS again and ask a bundle of questions about using production music, again.
other than that I also know a showreel of my work is soon to be done in the near distance future and the press kit for Pearl of wisdom.
So okay I am a little excited about the press kit because this is a gold mine for brain storming and getting all the gears on your right side of your brain working oh and a few on the left (logical side)
So ideas for press kit, one thing to know we can be creative as we like! Super!
I like to sow I was thinking of making a plush toy out of felt!
So a theme for POW I need to question what is that and what image symbol what is the 'theme' of POW?
Lemons? buses? flowers? Proverbs? Clams? A giant Pearl?
I will be thinking of something to present the press kit in over the next month or two. Anyone feel free to talk my ears off about opinions, creative criticism what ever you call it about my production I appreciate feedback.
When you are the only one working on your short, you seem to miss mistakes and whatnot, or so concerned about one aspect of your short you skim over the other aspects and they suffer.
But right now more concerned about animating!
Surely enough I will have something to report on in the next few days.
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