Thursday, March 31

Entry #27

Beginning of Character proof; the layout of the bus scene...

Originally this was drawn, then the line work and digital paint done in photoshop.
This is not completed yet.

When using photoshop confusion occurs, with not having unlimited knowledge of the program or digitally constructed a scene in photoshop before I am having trouble.
But I will learn!
It's about attitude I think if you try and put effort, dedication and you really honestly want to improve and learn you will.
Right now playing around practicing, doing concept art in photoshop should iron out the doubt and questions and queries I have about doing backgrounds/layout/scenes/sets what ever you want to call them in photoshop.

Tutorials and advice from fellow teaches will also help a great deal.

On another note I really need to write down the technique of how the construction of the scenes will take place, and step by step on how I will digitally draw, colour, shade etc.
Layers are a big concern I must plan and think about what goes in the foreground middle and background and how layering can make the construction of the sets far less complicated and confusing with turning layers on and off I will be able to focus on every detail and digitally paint more effectively.

Becuase I have been having trouble getting the perspective and layout right I have also traced from a perspective/layout that I like.

PS; I have purchased a wacom Intuos 4 medium.
Needing to pick it up from my old address, real shame because I was planning on finishing the digital paint interior of the bus with a wacom, can use a mouse though, OR stay back at school and use a wacom in class.

Monday, March 28

Entry #26

Scanning in some of my story board ready to make it into some sort of animatic....

I will upload soon as I have made something.

Oh look some sort of animatic not yet completed but it's something... (please note sound isn't spot on)
After effects is okay for sound and all pressing numlock and 0 it renders the sound so it can be listening to but still there are other programs that have more freedom with stopping cutting and dicing fading out music and sound effects than others, personally I like soundbooth... and sound track pro I have played around with once, wow it's lovely just have to get use to the controls and learn shortcuts.
Wish I had final cut... premier oh how that program gets dusty I use after effects for editing over premier.
Well here's that animatic;

Friday, March 25

Entry #25

Today in the afternoon a rough sound was put together in the superb spectacular swanky sound booth room, it's a hidden gem, I feel like a prospector diggin' for gold and boy did I find gold!
Anyways the rough sound is above...

Things to know about the rough sound... yes it is rough the timing is well yeah not spot on..
And yes the dialogue is not in there nor has been done yet.
There are many more ideas I have had for the sound...
Different versions I can make, with a similar opening song, change the quote off music and sfx and the 2nd last song (down in the dumps at the bus stop) can be changed also... the word change is needed here because that is what will be happening.

Thursday, March 24

Entry #24

Art supplies for Pearl of wisdom;

And the other day I also got new paint brushes;

After storyboard & animatic are complete, time will be spent on style guide folio which consists of;
Concept art, character design, model sheets, the story board (which is getting done at the moment)
Moodboard, influences, sketches, motivations and the over all style change and development.

Tuesday, March 22

Entry #23


So originally I had a world full of pearls, it has changed to a world full of who knows what, I enjoy the different styles of the chararcters, a lot of work will be involved but it will make the production so much more interesting.
I was hessiant to change the idea because of how simple the all the Pearl characters where but it is worth the extra effort to have diverse characters;

Pearl characters

 Now are who knows what characters

Entry #22

Video block;
Yes it has been started... Because everything is in demand soon, I am starting and started the beginning of everything Story board, Animatic and Video block.

Working on all three at the same time.
Because they need to be done within two weeks.

As pearl would say;
"Lost time is never found again"

Monday, March 21

Entry #21

It is Monday and starting on storyboard!
.... Most likely will be similar to thumbnails but more refined and with description, timing and the type of shot.

If story board gets done today then Tuesday the animatic can be started...

The animatic will take some time, actually I would like to put a fair amount of effort into the animatic, then I will know for sure with the timing and sound and sfx work or not.

(Upload storyboard soon as it is done... stay tuned)

Sunday, March 20

Entry #20


My my, have I been having trouble getting whats in my noggin on the paper!
Here they are...

Thursday, March 17

Entry #19

Drew some prespective layout today, with help from Jack.

This is the 'bus scene', trying to have a warped perspective inside the bus, don't want it to be logical make sense proportionally to what a real bus looks like inside.
It is going to be for a animation, why not make it odd out of shape and exaggerated!?
Isn't that one reason for animation... to do what live action can't?

Well I sure hope to get what I have visualized in my head correct and at the end of the day be happy with the outcome.

Needing to draw more, so I can get it right with trial and error.
When I get a moment, needing to be done is; digitally draw over the top of a perceptive shot I am happy with and then digitally painting it followed by adding characters into the set.

But at the moment I also have to do;

Upload thumbnails
Story board
Video block

Very busy indeed.

Wednesday, March 16

Entry #18

What's on the cards for today;

Story board
and especially animatics
Examples of animatics that inspire & influence;

Gorillaz - Dirty Harry (Animatic)... link down below

Gorillaz - Dare (Animatic)

(I recall Neale showing the class this perticular animatic)

Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc (Animatic)

Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood (Animatic)
(this one has lip sync)

Watching other animatics influences myself to re think the way I am going to do mine for the production.

Monday, March 14

Sunday, March 13

Entry #15

Week five journey...

This week is week five last week was week four.
In week four time was spent on the finalization of the story and script, the shot list, production design (production bible) along with a production plan plus scouting for music for the production.

Week five shall be focusing on;

Starting the story board
The beginning of the animatic (moving story board)
Beginning of the video block
Character design (did some last week in production bible)... have a good idea on most characters appearance.
If time is not an issue time will be spent on sound also, most likely the end of the week, hiring of a zoom is needed to scope out if recording of own sound effects and ambiance mainly for the public transport a.k.a the bus, hopefully it will be quality... if not royalty free sound effects sites or buying of sfx.

Obviously plenty of work to be done, stamina.

On another note Scott Pilgrim vs the world is great for inspiration for animatics (moving story boards) the special features are worth looking at.

The artist Bryan Lee O'Malley he created the 6-volume series Scott Pilgrim, published by Oni Press in North America (2004-2010).
Artist Bryan Lee O'Malley website(blog);

The link below to Scott Pilgrim animatics;


Saturday, March 12

Entry #14

Friday after class decided to stay back and try out drawing with the wacom;

What needs to be done is practice, practice.. and practice.
Style of the characters change a fair bit when drawn digitally, the line work is flat and different to what I draw on paper, what I hope to achieve is to be able to draw them with confidence with the wacom, before I start animating.
Also to figure out how to keep the style of them similar to my drawings, a lot of experimentation and trial and error will help figure out the solution of finalizing the over all visual style of the characters.

For backgrounds, they may be drawn traditionally from there scanned in, then drawn over the top with the wacom... this all depends how confident I get drawing digitally.

Friday, March 11

Thursday, March 10

Entry #12

Today worked on and finished off Production plan;


Of course if it is not logical or correct I will fix it up asap.

Tuesday, March 8

Entry #11

Pearl of wisdom oh how you need voice actors... or one that can do multiple voices.
Dialog is out of control... but this is a good thing? I will be putting lip sync into practice...
I shall watch endless hours of creature comforts oh how they have masted the art of lip sync!

Music and sfx music on the other hand I shall be paying money for royalties and permissions of use.

So I have been looking at music in the holidays I found a track I think compliments the opening scene... here is a link

If you then type in the search;

ode to zanzibar - XMT010 - Hopped up on goofballs

That is what I have in mind for the opening scene.

I will keep on looking, and when it comes down to my animatic (moving storyboard) - (some people when you mention the term animatic they look at you like a moron so yeah it's a moving storyboard).
Later what will be seen; if the music and sfx compliment my production.

Looking forward to piecing together the sound and sfx... because it is such a challenge.

Music & sfx you are my mt everest I shall conquer you!

Entry #10


Finished them off tonight in photo shop.
I drew the image, then got it scanned because I don't have a A3 scanner, adjusted the layer painted, made a new layer for the title and I enjoy how they look.


The colour pallet is based off some concept art I did over the holidays...

Saturday, March 5

Thursday, March 3

Entry #8

Script has been slightly updated
Still three pages long... needing to cut out more or bunch up my script which I do not want to do... describing can take up a majority of your script, and it is a estimate that one page per a minute... but in this case the script will most likely be three minutes.

  Also starting to think the original concept for story has gone walk about.
It started off being a bit of a tale of how this doofus named 'Pearl' is a dork and is oblivious to how he is not liked, this Pearl quotes his pearls of wisdom to people whom could not give hoot,
He is going to his girlfriend Paris at her house, to then take her to a function, he quotes pearls on the bus, everyone moves away from him, transition of him he is now asleep on the bus, when he was meant to be at Paris's house already to pick her up for a function, he is late quotes a pearl of wisdom to her, she is annoyed with him but sees the flower and decides to let it fly.
Then when arriving at this function Pearl is being a obnoxious jerk,
acting like he is some sort of celebrity, Paris is feeling left out,
Pearl then quotes to her, 'distance makes the heart grow fonder' and walks off to talk to his good friend Monocles.
Paris distance in the background, cracks, she has had enough of his wisdom and abandonment, she makes a scene and throws the flower pearl gave her on the ground then stomping on it and yells they are through!
Pearl imagines the flower to be his heart getting stomped on.
The next day heartbroken Pearl is a wreck, outside the bus stop, stubble, drinking out of a brown paper bag... the bus drives past splashing him head to toe with water, he glances at the bus as it drives off he see's a banner reading; 'That's Life'
 He then stands and thinks, throws the bottle on the lawn realizing yeah that is life... what am I doing here drinking on the side of the road I'm the pearl of wisdom, walks off into the sunset...! THE ENDS!

So that is what I was originally going for but my script has somewhat turned into this;

So if I am not happy with this...
 Thinking what needs to be done is write the premise and stick to what that is... and at the end of the day what is wanted is a story that is; sweet, strong, short story... oh yeah and that is achievable animation wise, with the time limit that has been given.

Tuesday, March 1

Entry #7

Script has been re written slightly I still enjoy the ending of the bus telling him "that's life"... and how he is just down in the dumps about the events that happened to him the day before.
What is new in the script is Wesley... read on to find out.
The script will change again there is always room for improvement;
As the pearl would say;
Newer is truer.