Tuesday, March 8

Entry #11

Pearl of wisdom oh how you need voice actors... or one that can do multiple voices.
Dialog is out of control... but this is a good thing? I will be putting lip sync into practice...
I shall watch endless hours of creature comforts oh how they have masted the art of lip sync!

Music and sfx music on the other hand I shall be paying money for royalties and permissions of use.

So I have been looking at music in the holidays I found a track I think compliments the opening scene... here is a link


If you then type in the search;

ode to zanzibar - XMT010 - Hopped up on goofballs

That is what I have in mind for the opening scene.

I will keep on looking, and when it comes down to my animatic (moving storyboard) - (some people when you mention the term animatic they look at you like a moron so yeah it's a moving storyboard).
Later what will be seen; if the music and sfx compliment my production.

Looking forward to piecing together the sound and sfx... because it is such a challenge.

Music & sfx you are my mt everest I shall conquer you!


  1. hi, theres 1 or 2 episodes of richard williams on lip syncing, his DVD set- animators survival guide- is avaliable in the libary. i think you would find it very useful
    nils- 2nd year animation

  2. Hey, thank you, I um secretly have all the animation survival guide on dvd haha :), defiantly have a look at the lip sync, are you attempting lip sync this year?
    Nikita -3rd year animation
