Sunday, March 13

Entry #15

Week five journey...

This week is week five last week was week four.
In week four time was spent on the finalization of the story and script, the shot list, production design (production bible) along with a production plan plus scouting for music for the production.

Week five shall be focusing on;

Starting the story board
The beginning of the animatic (moving story board)
Beginning of the video block
Character design (did some last week in production bible)... have a good idea on most characters appearance.
If time is not an issue time will be spent on sound also, most likely the end of the week, hiring of a zoom is needed to scope out if recording of own sound effects and ambiance mainly for the public transport a.k.a the bus, hopefully it will be quality... if not royalty free sound effects sites or buying of sfx.

Obviously plenty of work to be done, stamina.

On another note Scott Pilgrim vs the world is great for inspiration for animatics (moving story boards) the special features are worth looking at.

The artist Bryan Lee O'Malley he created the 6-volume series Scott Pilgrim, published by Oni Press in North America (2004-2010).
Artist Bryan Lee O'Malley website(blog);

The link below to Scott Pilgrim animatics;


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