Thursday, March 17

Entry #19

Drew some prespective layout today, with help from Jack.

This is the 'bus scene', trying to have a warped perspective inside the bus, don't want it to be logical make sense proportionally to what a real bus looks like inside.
It is going to be for a animation, why not make it odd out of shape and exaggerated!?
Isn't that one reason for animation... to do what live action can't?

Well I sure hope to get what I have visualized in my head correct and at the end of the day be happy with the outcome.

Needing to draw more, so I can get it right with trial and error.
When I get a moment, needing to be done is; digitally draw over the top of a perceptive shot I am happy with and then digitally painting it followed by adding characters into the set.

But at the moment I also have to do;

Upload thumbnails
Story board
Video block

Very busy indeed.

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