Thursday, March 31

Entry #27

Beginning of Character proof; the layout of the bus scene...

Originally this was drawn, then the line work and digital paint done in photoshop.
This is not completed yet.

When using photoshop confusion occurs, with not having unlimited knowledge of the program or digitally constructed a scene in photoshop before I am having trouble.
But I will learn!
It's about attitude I think if you try and put effort, dedication and you really honestly want to improve and learn you will.
Right now playing around practicing, doing concept art in photoshop should iron out the doubt and questions and queries I have about doing backgrounds/layout/scenes/sets what ever you want to call them in photoshop.

Tutorials and advice from fellow teaches will also help a great deal.

On another note I really need to write down the technique of how the construction of the scenes will take place, and step by step on how I will digitally draw, colour, shade etc.
Layers are a big concern I must plan and think about what goes in the foreground middle and background and how layering can make the construction of the sets far less complicated and confusing with turning layers on and off I will be able to focus on every detail and digitally paint more effectively.

Becuase I have been having trouble getting the perspective and layout right I have also traced from a perspective/layout that I like.

PS; I have purchased a wacom Intuos 4 medium.
Needing to pick it up from my old address, real shame because I was planning on finishing the digital paint interior of the bus with a wacom, can use a mouse though, OR stay back at school and use a wacom in class.

1 comment:

  1. hihihi Nikita,

    I think this shot is turning out f@#king awesome. The colours you used make it quite delicious. Great work, I am eager to see the final rendered piece.

